Top 6 hacks to Grow Your Instagram
Instagram is one of the quickest growing social media platforms right now! Quick tip if you didn’t know Facebook owns Instagram now so they have been making it easier to use both profiles.
Why is this important? Because the billions of people on Facebook will be moving to Instagram (most already are)! Something that stood out to me was the age demographic. I have found that Instagram tends to attract a younger audience of 30 & under, but that age range is quickly increasing as those people under 30 are getting older. My PMU Artist clients who are younger tend to have more success on Instagram because they are more active on the platform. If you are a microblading or permanent makeup artist and you aren’t active on Instagram, then I highly recommend you start now!
The main question I get asked is “how do I grow my Instagram?”.
There is no simple answer for that, but here are 6 hacks you can grow your Instagram so that you can attract more clients and get more permanent makeup bookings month over month!
1. Content is important
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again— you have to post content to grow your business, or in this case, your Instagram. Now, we aren’t saying you need to go and make ten Instagram posts in one day. Ideally, you should be posting about 2-3 times per day. Consistency is key.
There was a study a few years ago that said if you post frequently more people your post will reach. Do you know what they found? Yep, you guessed it— the most successful (and by successful we mean having the most followers and likes) Instagram accounts posted more often throughout the week. In other words, profiles that posted seven or more times a week, or at least once a day, get more likes and gain more followers than those that post less frequently.
The takeaway is this: post consistently on Instagram because businesses who post more often tend to see the best results. Also, MAKE SURE TO TAG YOUR BUSINESS LOCATION ON EVERY POST!
If you would like to learn how to make your Instagram look better to then check out our free training on this website!
2. Live Videos, and Stories are key to success!
Don’t limit your success by getting in the habit of only posting photos. Get out of your comfort zone and try live videos! You need to post photos consistently, yes, but you also need to have different TYPES of content: videos, live videos, and Instagram stories. People tend to get bored with looking at the same old before and after photos, so engage your audience!
Ideas are key!
Follow other successful beauty professionals on Instagram and take notes on:
What type of information do they include in their videos/stories?
When and how often are they making stories/videos?
You don’t have to make videos out to be a lot of work. Make yourself an outline of what you are going to talk about, provide your audience with some type of visual, and just go for it! Talk about tips on micro blading or give some type of value to your audience. Let me know why you can feel a lot more beautiful with it.
3. Hash Tags are important
This is key to photos getting seen in your area. If you use hashtags more people will see your stuff and then more clients could DM you then once you get those clients you can have a full referral system building for you organically.
Simply, hashtags could be one of your secret weapons for growing a massive following.
So which ones and how many should you be using? You should use 24 hashtags to get the max out of your photos. But don’t just guess on your hashtags—use them strategically. All I would do is go to the search bar on IG and click on a hashtag that has lower people viewing them for example something under a million views. Use those hashtags for more exposure since they aren’t as saturated.
4. Good Timing
Post when your followers are most active for the best growth
Want to learn how to do it?
1.) Tap on your profile photo in the Instagram app
2.) Tap on the Instagram Insights icon (looks like a bar chart)
3.) Scroll down to the section that says “Followers” and click “See more”
4.) Look at the bottom of the page to see which day of the week and hours of the day your followers are most active!
You can only see this with a business account so I highly suggest making one.
5.) Host giveaways to engage your audience. Giveaways can get your audience excited. Always tell them to tag 3 friends in their area to get a chance to win. This will show your giveaway to more people which can turn into more future clients.